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Sowing Seeds of Change: Hemp Makes an Impact at 2016 Expo

By March 9, 2016November 29th, 2017News
Let's Talk Hemp

Individuals gather from around the globe to celebrate the hemp crop and its reentry into the U.S.
Presented by CBDRx

Given the recent onslaught of hemp legislation passed throughout states like Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, and Hawaii, many are wondering: Just how many states will it take to overturn the long-awaited federal ban on growing industrial hemp and remove it from the controlled substances list?

Hemp is non-psychoactive cannabis, legal to grow in most every industrialized country, and the United States is the largest importer of raw-hemp and finished-hemp goods on planet Earth. Over half the country has passed legislation at the state level to legalize and grow hemp and more are proposing to amend laws regarding hemp today.

Our farmers, communities, and citizens are still being denied access to the most beneficial, multifunctional, nutritional, industrial, environmental, agricultural crop in human history.

During the LET’S TALK HEMP segment at the NoCo Hemp Expo, you’ll hear from field workers, international experts and U.S. representatives on numerous hot-button topics.

The “TED-Talk”- style event showcases an incredible lineup of knowledgeable panelists and speakers specializing in varying subjects of the industry who are eager to share their insight and experience for this remarkable and historic plant.

With over 70 participants presenting on the pivotal issue of hemp, Let’s Talk Hemp features conversations on policy, products, science and genetics, seed breeding and acquisition, new technologies and innovation, and challenges surrounding the industry today.

Keynote addresses include Founding Father Ben Franklin, author and industry expert Doug Fine, and United States House of Representatives Colorado congressman Jared Polis. Additional featured speakers include Alan Dronkers from HempFlax UK, Adam Dunn from HoodLamb, Anndrea Hermann from Hemp Technologies, Richard Rose the HempNut, Eric Steenstra from the Hemp Industries Association, Shaun Crew from Hemp Oil Canada, and Ed Lehrburger from PureHemp Technology.

Visit the NoCo Hemp Expo website for complete information and to reserve early bird tickets for Saturday only General Admission, 2 day Industry/B2B passes, and the VIP Hemp Investment Summit package.  Ticket prices go up on March 21st.

About NoCo Hemp Expo, Colorado Hemp Company and TreeFreeHemp

WAFBA LLC (We Are For Better Alternatives) is home to the NoCo Hemp Expo, TreeFreeHemp and Colorado Hemp Company located in Loveland, Colorado and operating since 2012. Areas of focus include product and brand development, marketing, printing, production, events and advocacy.


Press Contact:
Abbie Marks
(985) 518-7493